Attend MMI

Track It.

Day 1. Part B.  Track It.

Here is the other part or second half of day one...Happy tracking... 

 Track it

Have your notebook? Great. Because today's action is to make a list of everything you spend money on. Everything. Keep this list with you
all week and add to it as new things come up.

Why? Because you need to know where your money goes.

Successful people direct their money (as well as their time and other finite resources) with great intention. They believe they're in control.
They choose what to spend their time and money on. And they're good at making choices based on what matters most to them.
(Aka: they use their filters.)

Unsuccessful people feel like they aren't in control of their money. Everything feels like a "have to" vs. a choice. They're often surprised by expenses. (Even the recurring ones.) They're reactive vs. proactive.

So, commit this week to be one in which you take your power back. Remember: You rule money. Money doesn't rule you.

And on that note, we're going to ask you to take serious charge of your spending. Buy only essentials - just for this week. That means things like groceries and the gas you need to get to work are okay. But, curb the clothes
shopping, latte cravings, and the like.

Then, notice when an urge to spend comes up. Write it down on the list. And ask yourself this a want or a need? Does it support my highest goal for myself or not? This is the beginning of having a plan and a budget
that serves you and moves you in the direction  of your dreams.

It's funny, actually. People think having a budget restricts them. But, quite the opposite is true. When we spend unconsciously, we can so easily get held hostage by our expenses.  

We're chained to keep working and working just to pay for things we forgot why we bought, don't use and might not even want. Then all our time and energy goes to feeding that beast. And we get less and less time to spend the way we really want to.

So, while listing out and examining your expenses could feel like a chore, it's not meant to be restrictive. It's not about depriving yourself of things you want. It's about making your money match your dreams.  

Because making your money match them just happens to be how you make them come true.

Then, before you go to sleep tonight, say to yourself, "I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success."

It will make you feel powerful. Like you can be the one to decide your future. Because you can, so long as you take charge.

Happy tracking!   

To your success,
Peak Potentials
When you are finished on to day 2

Get 3 days of fun and meet hundreds of like minded people committed to getting their financial future on track for free, at a MMI Event.

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