Attend MMI

Day 2

The 2nd Day of Challenge

Good morning... and welcome to
the 2nd day of the Financial Freedom Challenge!

Around here we're just not big fans of the term
"cut back." Well, it kind of sounds like it's going
to hurt, doesn't it?

Instead, we much prefer that you "let go of what's
not serving you." Ahhhh. Doesn't that sound nice?
And it is.

Let's face it. We're all holding on to things that
aren't moving us forward. They might even be weighing
us down. You know what things we mean. The size
"whatever" pants in your closet that you haven't fit
into in years. Golf clubs that never made it to a course.
A gym membership you've rarely used. Or that food
dehydrator you ordered online. (Yeah, that was an
awesome pick.)

If you're like most people there are more than a few
things that will immediately jump to your mind. When
they do, jot them down in your notebook. Or, better
yet ... gather them up and set them aside. (They'll
come in handy on another day this week!)

Today, we just want you to focus on the idea that
you're likely to be holding on to a bunch of things
that aren't serving you well. Purchases made.
Relationships built. Services bought. Beliefs held.

And what we're telling you is that it's time to
examine them. Using your trusty filter.

Do they serve your highest goal? Will holding onto
them help move you toward your dreams?

If not, friend. It's time to let them go.

TODAY'A ACTION: Cancel. Cut. Switch. Slash.

Try saying that five times fast! (Only kidding.) Today's
action is not a tongue twister. (Phew.)

Pull out your notebook of expenses you've been keeping.
If you need to, gather up your bank and credit card
statements to round out the list. Then, circle every-
thing you spend money on that's a want, not a need.
And think about how you could reduce or eliminate it.

Now, we can't tell you what to cut back on or let go of.
You have to use your own filter. And figure that out
for yourself. But, we are here to help. With a great
big list of ideas.

Choose at least three. Starting right now. Cancel, cut,
switch or slash it. Then share your secrets on
Facebook or Twitter so others can do the same.

It's on.

1. Switch to basic cable. Or get rid of cable and try
Netflix and Hulu instead.

2. Get rid of your landline, if you have a cell phone.
Or, consider using Skype for long-distance instead.
You can even port your landline over to Google Voice,
so you can keep your home phone number but have
VoIP service for free!

3. Get rid of your cell phone. Or use a prepaid cell
phone, instead of an expensive phone with an
expensive contract.

4. If you carry a balance on a credit card, ask your
credit card company to lower your rate. Or, transfer
your debt to a card with a much lower rate. If it's a
low introductory rate that goes up after a certain
period of time, just make sure you can pay off the
balance before then. Or keep switching the balance
to low-interest cards to beat card companies at their
own game. Sure, we know it's a pain. But, how
committed are you?

5. Cancel something you're not using - club
memberships, gym memberships and unread magazine
subscriptions. Doing this not only saves you money, it
makes room for new things in your life that will serve
you better.

6. Give up expensive unhealthy habits, like smoking.
You'll save the money you were spending on cigarettes
and be healthier too!


Now look at your "needs." Ask yourself, "How can I have
everything I need without over-spending?"

1. Review your insurance policies to make sure they
still meet your needs. If you overbought, you're losing
money every month on something you don't need. If
you under-bought, you stand to lose money when trouble

2. Consider raising the deductible on your insurance
to lower your monthly premiums. But first make sure you
can cover the deductible, if you need to.

3. Use cost-comparison websites to see if you're getting
the best deal on things like home and auto insurance.

4. Consider putting your dependents on their own health
insurance plan. With today's rising healthcare costs, it
might be less expensive than the plan offered through
your employer.

5. Was transportation in your "need" column? Here's
a wild idea. Consider selling one of your cars.

6. If your bank charges you fees, switch to another
bank or credit union that won't. And find out: are
you getting the best interest rate possible on your
savings account?

Let it go!

To your success,
Peak Potentials
P.S. Go work on Day 2 and comeback and click here for Day 3 Habits
Join hundreds of like minded people for 3 days of fun and learning...serious about getting their financial  & prosperity mindset in order at a MMI Event

Special  don't miss this

Have you ever caught yourself doing something that you finally realized was not serving you?
Maybe it was a dietary choice, or a habit of mind – something that you finally saw was dragging you down, instead of lifting you up. Unfortunately, at some time or another this sort of thing happens to all of us, in our health, our relationships, and our professional lives -- and in our finances. 

Growing out if it is a matter of awareness, right? Once you are aware of what you are doing, you can begin to make the changes that enable you to shift your thought patterns and beliefs, change your actions, and ultimately take control of your destiny.

That, our friend, is what we call a breakthrough, and when you achieve one, there’s no feeling quite like it in the world.

So why are we telling you this? We just came across something that can help you take control of your financial destiny and actually CREATE BREAKTHROUGH AFTER BREAKTHROUGH in that critical aspect of your life!
Our friend and colleague John Assaraf has showed us a training session he is offering at NO COST on how you can finally achieve the kind of financial awareness that will enable you to WIN THE GAME OF MONEY, once and for all.
John is uniquely qualified to step you through the process of heightening your financial awareness. You probably saw him in the smash hit movie “The Secret,” or maybe you read his bestselling books like “The Answer,” or saw one any of the hundreds of interviews he’s done over the years. He will show you EXACTLY what you can do to make your financial life a success right now.  
Seriously, isn’t it time to stop sabotaging your success, and start living the life you’ve always wanted?
To your success,
Peak Potentials
P.S. This training is about 70 minutes, and well worth the investment of your time. John is a premier thinker on money consciousness, and his message could completely TRANSFORM YOUR FINANICAL LIFE starting right now…
We are an affiliate member and may receive a referral fee on 
registrations via the link above  (Peak Potential)

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