Attend MMI

The Millionaire Mind

The ALL-NEW Special EditionMillionaire Mind

Two Seminars In One!  There are New Additions for 2012
Dear Friend,
Thank you for stopping by.
My gift to you. FREE Premium tickets (offer expires Jan, 02,2012 at midnight PST) to MMI, an opportunity to hang out for 3 days with 1K to 3,000 like minded entrepreneurial people. You get to build know, like and trust. They get trained by MMI trainers on why they need to be in a business. You will get at least 10 real leads a day who are ready to join your business.
That is 30 or more in 3 days.  Sign up then message me on Fb, and I will give you a networking script that will have you getting at least 30 solid leads in a day.  Feel free to share this link with your current team; I’ll do the same for those who sign up.   
MMI taking place in various cities in USA and Canada.  One coming near you.  How can you use this to build your business?
Do you have a millionaire mind?  If not would you like to have one?

Discover a time-tested road map with 8 Power principles
to creating a million-dollar business in 3 short years - or less.
Download your FREE copy of this revolutionary e-book now:
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Are you one of the many people who say that their financial goal is 'to be comfortable?  But what is your definition of comfortable? 

Are you willing to get or be uncomfortable in order to get comfortable? How does your willingness to be uncomfortable affect you?  How do you push past boundaries of being uncomfortable?

Better yet, are you heading in the right direction with your life?

Ask yourself these questions and you'll know instantly if you're heading in the right direction...This is what some folks are saying about MMI.

  • Are you better or worse off than you were five years ago?
  • Has your net worth grown or shrunk - or are you saying "what net worth?"
  • Have you been able to pay down or pay off your debt ... or is it continuing to climb?
  • Do you have more or less free time for yourself or to spend with your family and friends?
  • Did you know that there is a secret to becoming financially free sooner rather than later?

No matter what you answered here's your chance to make massive changes and position yourself for wealth in 2012. 

You can also learn how to create a potent business or life plan to help you
focus through this new year. Now Click BusinessPlan

One of my mentor T. Harv Eker has given me the honor and privilege to gift you a complimentary copy of his newly released block-buster best selling book "speedWealth plus you'll get complimentary Premium tickets to the special edition Millionaire Mind Intensive.  For your information the MMI is coming to cities across the US and Canada this Fall.

Go here now to access your complimentary ticket:

Harv designed this Special Edition program to deliver on four key objectives:

  • How to earn large amounts of money right now
  • How to invest your money right now
  • What to do in your business or your job right now
  • What kind of mindset you need to succeed right now
  • If you're serious about your financial future then:
grab your complimentary ticket to the Special Edition Millionaire Mind Intensive now.

Go ahead now and register with ease, for an MMI in the city of your choice.  While you will be able to register anytime throughout the year for MMI, the Premium give away goes away at midnight January 2, 2012. 

 Thank you,

Sincerely for your success,


PS. Here's what other MMI grads have told Harv about their MMI experience...

"Since I attended your program one year ago, my net worth has skyrocketed! Last year my net worth was about $90,000, now it is close to half a million. I can't thank you enough."
--Catherine Hallock

"Eighteen months ago, we were over $150,000 in debt. We are now debt-free and we own two companies worth over a quarter of a million dollars."
--Daniel Donaghy

"At the age of 18, I attended my first Millionaire Mind Intensive. Now, 19 months later, I'm 20, financially free, and make over 5 figures a month in passive income. Your courses have helped me manifest my dream life!"
--Trinity de la Cruz

"Within 3-4 days after attending the seminar, I received the largest check I've ever received to date. And now, almost 2 weeks later, there is cash left over and my next check will be here in a couple of days."
--Jody Weigel

Find out what entrepreneur  and world-renouned economist Paul Zane Pilzer has to say about where we are heading in this new economy and how you can take advantage of the great opportunities that lie ahead.  Click the link below now.

In this immediately applicable program, entrepreneur and world-renowned economist Paul Zane Pilzer provides a refreshingly optimistic view of where our economy is headed -- and shows you how you can take advantage of the great opportunities that lie ahead.

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