Creating an Effective and Efficient Business Plan Setting
One way to optimize your 2013 Plan Setting is to review 2012 and break it down, in every area in order to forge ahead in 2013.
We are in Year 2013. Today is the day you can decided is a perfect day for you to take some time and review your 2012 results. For me, I am sorry to say was dismal. I confess, I didn't do what I knew I should have done. So I am making a commitment to do better this year. If you had dismal results like I did, then maybe it would be an excellent idea to plan and make the commitment to make 2013 better.
The following Plan Setting process is an example of Eric Lofholm's work.
You can see more samples of his work on his blog here: SalesChampionBlog
What ever today is for you is a great day to start planning your year.
Let's begin by acknowledging what you did well in 2012. Whatever you did well in 2012 should be cherished, celebrate it be happy about it.
I know this is a lot, so I have this broken down into sections.
Please take it one section at a time.
(Important don't bag yourself down, write down what's come to your mind, but don't practice laziness. Writing out this plan will greatly improve your life.)
What was great about 2012?
What are you most proud of?
What were you most surprised by?
In what ways did you grow?
What was your biggest success?
What adversity did you overcome?
What skills did you develop?
What goals did you accomplish?
What was your most challenging sale?
What were you consistent at?
Close your eyes right now and silently acknowledge yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back for the champion that you are.
Now let's look at where are you at right now.
Based on your annual goals where should your results be right now?
Did you hit your gross sales number, total units number, or total recruits for the year?How was your consistency during 2012?
How did you do in the area of appointment setting?
How did you do in the area of follow up?
How did you do in the area of email marketing?
How did you do in the area of marketing?
How did you do in the area of web marketing?
How did you do in the area of recruiting?
How did you do in the area of training?
How did you do in the area of motivating your team?
How did you do in the area of making your calls?
How did you do in the area of time management?
How did you do in the area of objection handling?
How did you do at making progress on your sales scripts?
In order for you to achieve your potential in 2013 what areas of your business do you need to improve in?
The purpose of this exercise is not to give you ammunition to beat yourself up. The purpose is for you to see where you are so you can make adjustments to your plan for the New Year.
What actions will you take today to start maximizing your 2013 results?
What is going to be different for you in 2013?
In what ways will you be more consistent?
How will you grow as a leader?
In what ways will you think bigger than you ever have before?
In what ways will you expand?
What will you do the same in 2013?
What new marketing approaches will you try?
What mentors, coaches, and training programs will elevate you to new levels of success?
What will you do different spiritually in 2013?
What will you do the same spiritually in 2013?
How will you become an even better friend, parent, spouse, co-worker, boss, leader to the people that are in your life?
How will you use technology to help you in 2013?
I am going to be holding training on business building, mindset and your natural brilliance.
When ever you decide that you would like to know more contact me. My contact info. is below.
Thank you for embarking on the planning of your business and life success.
Should you have any questions on any sections or anything in general you can send me an
Facebook: message me Germey.Baird
The above business plan process is an example of Eric Lofholm's work.
You can get another example here- a free 21 sales close video series.