Don’t Worry, Be Wealthy For This is The Easiest Time Ever to Make Millions
By Stacy Curtin | Daily Ticker – Wed, Jun 1, 2011 11:19 AM EDT
Have you ever wanted to become a millionaire? Here's some really good news. If you want to make your millions, there is no better time than now, says Steve Siebold, author of the new book How Rich People Think.
He predicts, that in the next five years, the United States will see more self-made millionaires emerge than in any other time in history.
The world maybe headed for another recession, but there seems to be no better time to be a millionaire or billionaire.
Global wealth hit a record $121.8 trillion high in 2010 or $20 trillion above pre-recession levels, according to a new report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG). And, the number of millionaire households jumped 12.2 percent to about 12.5 million.
The trend will continue up to about $162 trillion by 2015, "driven by the performance of the capital markets and the growth of GDP in countries around the world. Wealth will grow fastest in emerging markets," says the report.
There are a couple of bright spots for all of you out there that do not fall in to the uber-rich category.
The United States is by far home to the most millionaires, according to BCG. In 2010, 5.2 million households in the U.S. had more than a million in assets under management compared to 1.5 million in Japan and 1.1 million in China.
And here's the really good news. If you want to make your millions, there is no better time than now, says Steve Siebold, author of the new book How Rich People Think. In the next five years, he predicts the United States will see more self-made millionaires emerge than in any other time in history.
"This is the easiest time to become a millionaire in America than I have ever seen by far and I think the wealthy see that an that is why they are getting wealthier," he tells Aaron in the interview above. "But, on the other side, anyone has the chance to become a millionaire in America, more right now than ever before."
Why? Because this country has got lots of problems that are in dire need of solutions.
There are all these new ways to get rich, say Siebold. "There are so many new problems to solve. There are so many new opportunities that did not exist before the great recession"
Over the course of 27 years Siebold interviewed hundreds of millionaires and high net worth individuals. His book mixes the wisdom and advice of all these people who have created self-made fortunes.
Most people don't think like millionaires because we don't look at money in the right way, he says. We tend to learn about money at a very early age from people who don't have any. "We almost have no chance from the beginning because we are programmed by people that don't have any money and don't understand how to think about it," he says.
The Millionaire Mindset
There are key differences between the way rich people look at money and the way the rest of us do, according to Siebold:
- Wealthy people look at money in positive terms and as an opportunity, where as most of us live in fear of being laid off or not having enough money for retirement.
- Instead of worrying about running out of money, soon to be millionaires are thinking how to make more money. World-class performers are finding problems that are profitable to solve. They know that just because a solution hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
- Millionaires tend to move towards what they want, rather than move away from what they don't want, which is what the masses most often do.
- World-class thinkers have the guts to be optimistic right now in these shaky times and reject the middle-class cynicism that plagues the masses. It's not comfortable for a millionaire in the making to forge ahead when everyone around him or her is negative, cynical and unsupportive, yet the great ones push forward and are rewarded with riches for the rest of their lives.
Siebold's bottom line: "Take inventory of your consciousness and the way you think about money and ask yourself: Is this the way a rich person thinks or someone in the middle class thinks about money?"
A great first step towards your wealth creation or getting wealthy and becoming a millionaire is to attend the Special Edition Millionaire Mind Intensive...
And I have an opportunity for you to attend for free! To learn more about this opportunity, and how you can create more wealth, read the message below from T. Harv Eker, Founder of Peak Potentials and the MMI.
My questions to you are...
... what are you going to do differently? To change your financial situation? What are you going to do differently to become a millionaire?
Those are probably the most important questions you should be thinking about right now.
Because, let's be frank. Our economy is a disaster. And the experts are predicting that it's going to get worse. You can't wait for the government, banks, big corporations or Wall Street to provide the opportunities you need.
If you want to be wealthy, you have to accept...
... you can rely only on yourself.
That means doing things differently. If you keep doing things the way you've always done them, you're going to keep getting the same results.
Growing your wealth is going to take more than trimming your expenses, saving more, or even earning more money.
It requires a complete overhaul of your relationship with money - how you feel about it, how you think about it, how you manage it, and how you invest it.
That's why I want you to attend my Millionaire Mind Intensive - for FREE.
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The All-New Special Edition Millionaire Mind Intensive
Reserve your free ticket now
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My team spent a full year overhauling and updating the content to teach you what you need to know TODAY to not just survive, but to become financially free in our new economy.
You're going to learn how to:
- Reposition yourself for success in this crazy world
- Revamp the way you do business
- Overhaul how you handle and invest your money.
Most importantly, you'll change your mental programming - DURING the intensive - about how you think about, feel about and deal with money.
During powerful experiential exercises, you'll root out the negative beliefs that are holding you back from greater wealth. And you'll learn proven strategies to protect yourself from the massive amounts of negative energy and thinking that are bombarding you... from the news media, your friends, your family and even your clients.
Take a Deeper Look at Some of The Lessons You'll Learn.
Everyone has an inner money thermostat. Just like the gadget that moderates your heating and cooling systems to keep your house at the temperature you specify, you have an inner thermostat that keeps your wealth at a level that is psychologically "comfortable" for you.
We've been learning what is "appropriate" in terms of our wealth since we were very young. Our parents, teachers, religions and society taught us where to set our thermostat with teachings like "it's better to give than to receive" or "rich people are greedy."
If you want to be wealthier, you need to raise your thermostat. That means rooting out the negative beliefs, improving your inner game, and resetting your money thermostat for a brand new level of wealth.
You'll discover:
- Exactly what your current inner money thermostat is set for
- How to alleviate the money files you have stored in your head that "shouldn't" be there
- How to reset your thermostat for "automatic" success... (you will do this right on the spot)
- How rich people think differently from broke people and what to model from them
- How to rule "money" and not let it rule you
- 4 reasons that it's extremely important that you get rich right now
- How to identify your true "purpose" for wealth
- How to "give" and get rich
- The secret of money and relationships; how to never argue about finances again
- How to identify your money "personality" and work with your "natural" self to succeed
- And much more - reserve your FREE ticket now.
We're going to break down the financial freedom process into its simplest form... teaching you our time-proven, 7-step formula that will virtually ensure you never have to work again... unless you choose to.
TIP: This will include learning today's newest strategies for creating "passive" income. (Most of the old ways don't work anymore!)
And if you don't mind working just a little bit, there's one section where you'll learn exactly how to earn $100K in just one hour a day!
You'll discover:
- How to recondition your mind from favoring active income to accepting passive income as your normal way of being
- Exactly what you need to know to thrive in today's economy and how that's radically different than before
- What's your "number"... they exact amount you'll need for you to be free
- The big mistake 98% of people make and the reason they never create wealth... or even true financial freedom
- The simplest, easiest, most effective money management method on earth... especially great for people who "hate" managing money
- How to achieve success with balance (perfect for workaholics)
- A one-word secret that will cut the time it takes you to become financially free... IN HALF.
- Specific passive income vehicles that are perfect for today and will be even better for tomorrow
- To create an action plan that will get you started and then keep you on the fast track all the way to financial freedom
- To think differently, feel differently and act differently about money, wealth, and most importantly... yourself!
Reserve your place now for FREE.
The Most Exciting and Powerful 3 Days of Your Life
This 3-day event is called an "Intensive" for a reason. You won't be sitting in an uncomfortable chair, struggling to stay awake while a speaker drones on up on stage.
You'll be out of your seat, engaged in experiential exercises that are carefully designed to help you shatter limiting beliefs, change the way you think about money and wealth, and soak up the boatloads of powerful content we'll be delivering.
We've carefully designed this program to deliver maximum content... and maximum effect. Lessons are delivered via advanced learning techniques to maximize your absorption and mastery of the information. Come with an open mind and be prepared to make huge shifts in your thinking.
See What Other People Are Saying About the All-New Platinum Edition MMI
"I came into this course with a lot of negative associations about money, wealth, and a total lack of confidence about ever having any. I left with knowledge, inspiration and above all... hope. I now have momentum."
Dainius Z
"This course has been life-changing!!! I found myself doing things far beyond my comfort zone. I didn't even recognize myself! Recently I was spiraling into a rut of increasing depression and no motivation. This is the support I needed to turn around - and I made some very valuable connections with like-minded people. Thank you so much!!!"
Loretta K
"This seminar has given me more practical knowledge than my four-year degree. No joke!!"
Shane C
"When I arrived Friday I was mentally, physically, and spiritually broken. I had to fight with myself just to show up. Now, I can't even remember what ailed me. Not only was the information very enlightening but the staff was supportive and caring. I HIGHLY recommend this class to anyone. Young, old, tired, broke - just get here. IT WILL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!"
Linda O
"This course was beautiful. It has catalyzed a permanent shift in my life and consciousness, and the things I have un-learned are a welcome weight off my future success! I now know that my goal of changing the world, one person, one village at a time, is attainable and my being wealthy is necessary! What an amazing thing! Thank you for your grounded-ness, energy, insight, and belief in all of us!"
Jill C
"This is my 2nd MMI event and since my first event [five months ago], my business has increased 40%. The intentions and declaration have triggered a flood of positive opportunities. My perspective prior to the 1st event was very pessimistic and negative about business and opportunity.
"My family and business associates have noticed an immediate shift in my attitude and the energy I have in my daily walk. Thank you for another terrific experience."
Tony C
Are You Planning to Win ... or Planning to Fail?
Friend, if you don't have a plan to achieve wealth and financial freedom, I'm sorry to say that you are planning to FAIL.
The economy has changed - permanently. The old days of easy money and sky-high real estate prices are gone. If you want to do more than survive, you have to live differently.
So if you're ready to generate all the money you'll ever need to live the lifestyle you want... register for the MMI.
If you want to work because you choose to, not because you have to ... register for the MMI.
If you want to learn the cutting-edge strategies that will help you find the diamonds of opportunity in our current economic mess... register for the MMI.
We look forward to meeting you at an MMI!
T. Harv Eker
P.S. Do you have friends or relatives who would benefit from developing a millionaire mindset? Invite them to attend with you. Remember, your seat is FREE... and so is theirs! Book your tickets now.