Attend MMI

Day 4

Hi Friend!

Here we go: Day 4 of the Financial Freedom

Today we want you to take a bit of a break
from number-crunching and make plans for a fun
weekend. Because you can work hard to achieve
your financial goals and have some fun.

Just remember ... you still have to stick to the challenge
of buying only needs, not wants.

So, entertain at home rather than going out. Have a
wonderful meal, and a wonderful time - without
breaking the bank.

Remember: guests will gladly contribute nibbles
and drinks if you ask. Plus, they'll be happy to
reciprocate with an invitation to their
place next time.

When food shopping, follow these simple cost-saving

* Make a list before you shop. (They call it impulse
buying for a reason.) Without a list you're more likely
to buy items that you don't need - and forget items
you do. Getting all that you need in one trip helps you
avoid a repeat visit to the store where temptation lurks.

* Set a time limit. Or go when you're in a hurry.
Armed with your grocery list, you can be focused and
quick - and avoid meandering down aisles where
unnecessary items will call out to you. (They do that,
you know.)

* Watch the expiration dates on perishable goods.
Try to extend the life of your purchases and reduce
waste by buying fresh.

* Buy non-perishables on sale and in bulk, when-
ever possible. Things like rice, beans, pasta and
canned goods usually have long shelf lives and
won't go to waste.

* Consider generic products vs. name brands. We
know. You like to buy the brand you trust. But, did you
know that the generic items at grocery stores are often
made by those very same manufacturers of big brands?

Go ahead, compare the ingredients. Look similar?
Sometimes they're the very same items, just packaged
differently to appeal to a different buyer. Try them out
and find a few money-saving generics that work for you.

Your next challenge? When extending invitations, use
the opportunity to talk to your friends and family about
your dreams. So they can support you in reaching them.

Tell them about the Challenge. And ask them to come
this weekend ready to share their best money-saving --
or money-making -- tips and advice. (And share those
secrets with others via Facebook and Twitter, using
hashtag #7DaysThatPay!)

Just remember to have your filter handy while you're
soaking up support. Because we want you to create
your own version of freedom. And chase your biggest,
highest goal - not your Uncle Lou's.

Don't get us wrong, Friend. We're sure
Uncle Lou means well for you. It's just that he's at a
huge disadvantage when it comes to creating the life
you want. (He's not you.)

To your success,
Peak Potentials 
GWT a Fun and Exciting Way to Supplement Your Income.

Part B:

How did it go today? Did connecting with others
make you feel more empowered to create success?
Did you learn anything important from them?

It's important to surround yourself with people who
know and support your goals. And to model people
who've achieved what you desire. So, when you
see a person with a beautiful home, respect that
person and respect that home.

When you see a person with a beautiful car, respect
that person and respect that car. When you see a
person with a loving family, respect that person and
respect that family. And when you see a person with
a lot of free time, respect that person and his freedom.

Tonight, say this to yourself, "If they can do it, I can
do it too."

To your success,
Peak Potentials
Pardon me here, day 5 actually was an invitation to a network marketing we'll go to Day 51/2...Selling You

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