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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What if You're Richer Than You Think?

You're Richer Than You May Realize

What if I told you that you are richer than you may realize?  Yeah! Right?  You’d probably tell me to go kick myself.  Ok!  Have you ever wondered how some people get awarded millions of dollars in a law suit, especially when you know that logically that person is not worth that astronomical amount?  

Well, part of the award consists of something called, “their human capital or future earnings stream.”  Even though the concept of human capital has existed for decades and has generated interest among economists and finance experts, it just hasn’t been touted openly by most financial planners.

Andrea Coombes a MarketWatch's personal finance editor, based in San Francisco brought this up to the surface in her post for Yahoo Finance dated May 4, 2011.  I like what she wrote about, “You're Richer Than You May Realize.”

I believe that once you read the article it will open your mind up to bigger possibility thinking about your net worth.   Ms. Coombes wrote that according to Andrew Sieg, head of retirement services at Bank of America Merrill Lynch,"Human capital is not as appreciated as it should be," 

She went on to write that, according to Moshe Milevsky, a professor of finance at York University in Toronto. “Human capital "is anything that's going to generate a cash flow that isn't your investments," You can get the full story here.

Ok, did that make sense to you?  If it did not and you’d like to get a better understanding of your future wealth potential, I’d like to invite you to a powerful and intense 3 day training by self made millionaire and best selling author of  “The secret of The Millionaire Mind” T Harv Eker.  There is usually a fee to this event.  Imagine three days of training that can change your money blueprint, that's priceless.  Get the full info to next next event happening in a city near you here.

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