They Experienced an MMI Event
An MMI Event Experience
Who knew such a diverse group consisting of lawyers, doctors, dentist, realtors, law enforcement officers, network marketers, home based business owners, chiropractors, truck drivers, farmers, recent college grads, college drop outs, students and kids as young as 9 years old who were thrilled about being at such a MMI event were going to show up? ..
They, over 450 MMI enthusiasts converged and gathered together in San Jose California for three full days of of what T. Harv Eker calls his Special Edition Millionaire mind Intensive training. Intense it was. It was also a thought provoking yet memorable MMI experience, based on T. Harv Eker’s, #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestseller, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.”
Most of these MMI’ers had no clue what they were in for; however, at the end of the three days, 90% of those I spoke with agreed that they crawled in as caterpillars and were flying out as beautiful and empowered butterflies. Get more info on this MMI Event here.
The curriculum at the MMI event was very diverse. I was there as a volunteer staff member and was in and out due to trainings of our own. So I missed many of the contents.
In between I took mental notes and I could remember that attendees learned techniques such as; mastering the inner game of wealth; how to think rich to get rich; how to put their millionaire mind into action; the law of attraction; the power of the subconscious mind; secrets of the millionaire mind; financial tips; how to tap into the subconscious mind; and many more that I wasn’t around to witness or experience.
If you have never been to an MMI event and what you read here peeked your interest, at least by 11/2 percent, then you are in luck. T Harv Eker the founder of Peak Potential, the group that sponsor the MMI event is allowing me to gift to you a complimentary certificate of attendance to a MMI event near you or as some people have done take a vacation to a city you have always wanted to visit.
MMI's are happening right now through the rest of 2012 in cities all over. Take a look this MMI calendar and find one in a city that interests you. You will be in for a metamorphosis.
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