Winning the Money Game
T. Harv Eker in his black buster book "Secrets of The Millionaire Mind" spoke of something called "Wealth File#2", which is about winning the money game.
According Harv, "Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game not to lose." They play the game on defense rather than on offense. Sadly their primary concern is survival and security instead of creating wealth and abundance.
He went on to say that, "the goal of truly rich people is to have massive wealth and abundance. Not just some money, but lots of money.
This is in direct contradiction to the beliefs of poor people, which is to have enough money to pay the bills. According to Harv, when your intention is to have enough to pay the bills, that's exactly how much you'll get-just enough to pay the bills and not a dime more.
What this means is that if your goal is just to have enough money to be comfortable, chances are you will never get rich; however, if your goal is to be rich then chances are you will end up being mighty comfortable. and you may even end up winning the money game.
Incidentally, Harv has a powerful day training where he teaches people how to win the money game. According to Harv his intention is to make this 3-day experience one of the 5 most significant experiences of your life... right up there with marriage, child birth, college graduation or any of your other defining moments!
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